Message from WHERE

WHERE, Inc. not only visualizes customers’ operations, organizations, environments, and assets through the realization of digital twin, but also provides solution services that utilize the digital data.

Centered on the “EXBeacon Platform,” an IoT infrastructure composed of our proprietary technology, we collect location information of people and things and various sensor information to realize digital twin in a variety of situations, such as offices, buildings, hospitals, factories, and other building facilities, as well as construction sites. We visualize business activities based on the collected data, helping customers discover and solve potential issues.

We want to be a corporate group that “leads the way in solving social issues with digital technology.”

EXOffice light, a cost-saving model that uses smartphones, has been added to EXOffice, the new normal office service.

Introducing IoT tools that are useful for infectious disease control such as communication tracking, office density, and health information collection.

We measure each time the location of work instructions and time, and collect manufacturing results such as the start and completion of each work.

This is an IoT seminar we together with customers think about how to support the new normal business situation with IoT.

Solution for each area

Learn our solution with video

Construction site security / Health management solution

Hoteling service (EXOffice)

Hospital Solution


Factory IoT Solution

WHERE's technology