No. 1 for 4 consecutive years in location information positioning solutions (BLE) category in the survey by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute Co., Ltd.
WHERE, Inc.,which develops indoor positioning solutions, achieved the No. 1 share for the fiscal year 2023 in the “People” category by positioning target of “Indoor positioning solutions” area in “Current situation and outlook for the location information solution market 2024 edition” by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute Co., Ltd.
WHERE, Inc. also holds the top share in “BLE” by positioning technology used, and in five out of seven industries (construction, finance, services, information and communications, public and public interest) by industry.
No.1 share in “BLE”, the most widely used technology for indoor positioning
Indoor positioning solutions are solutions that can visualize the location information of people and things utilizing radio waves, where GPS cannot reach. The market size is also expanding year by year, and is expected to increase by 17.9% year on year in 2023, with an average annual growth rate of 17.7% until 2028.
In 2023, the trend in indoor positioning technology listed by 10 different fields is that BLE increased by 16.0% and took the top share out of those fields. WHERE, Inc. achieved a 30.2% share in the BLE field, showed the top performance. BLE-based beacon “EXBeacon” by WHERE, Inc. utilizes its proprietary mesh network technology and has a high share, mainly targeting offices.
*Source: “Current situation and outlook for the location information solution market 2024 edition” by Deloitte Tohmatsu MIC Research Institute Co., Ltd.